
With our services we offer you comprehensive and professional help for all your off road transmission needs.


We offer added attention to detail to ensure that our products provide you the best of performance, hands on technical assistance and  communication to ensure that our products are built to the design of your application.  We design, and fabricate custom parts to enhance the performance of your transmission to be able to endure the hostile enviroment that makes off road racing what it is. 


Communicating with our race teams not only builds a closer relationship but working side by side builds a better product to take off road racing to the next level.


Every transmission is ran on our in-house transmission dyno prior to being released to the customer, this process ensures that the rebuild is complete to our sastification and running correctly for you, the customer.


We  offer magnaflux inspection, wet or dry of all components. We can perform this inspection during a rebuild or offer it as a service to any of our customers.







Find out more about the range of services we offer by calling us at +1 951 6781669 or sending us an email.